Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Des Moines Register Editorial: “Iowa doesn’t have a malpractice crisis”

This editorial from the Des Moines Register last week was spot on and clearly and concisely rebutted the arguments that Iowa, in medical malpractice cases, should impose caps on non-economic damages and should require a medical expert to screen cases before they can move forward in court. Perhaps most convincing was the Register’s citation of a 2010 study where the University of Iowa interviewed 220 physicians who had left the state of Iowa. Only one physician said that professional liability was an issue in deciding to relocate, as many physicians indicated that they left Iowa because they wanted to earn more money.


  1. There is a good point in posting out this article. medical negligence cases might not be the main reason that a physician would relocate, however, it is still something that we should look onto as today, issues on clinical malpractice is being even well known and that isn't good.

  2. It's interesting (and worrying) to see how similar medical negligence is becoming all around the world - with most medical errors going unreported, insurance the focus of policymakers, and medical negligence victims often left inadequately compensated. Thanks for the read - Medical Negligence Claim (Australia).

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