Monday, February 18, 2013

Des Moines Register Article: “Claims about medical malpractice lawsuits rejected: Liability researcher says legal, insurance costs don’t explain Iowa’s difficulty in recruiting doctors.”

Here’s a link to an informative article from the Des Moines Register that makes many of the points I made in my previous blog post. The article, written by Tony Leys, discusses Iowa’s recent proposed medical malpractice reforms with Mike Matray, editor of the trade journal Medical Liability Monitor. Matray notes that attempts to argue that Iowa’s medical malpractice climate is the reason for Iowa’s difficulty in recruiting physicians “doesn’t stack up with the reality of the situation” and goes on to explain that malpractice insurance premiums in Iowa are some of the lowest in the country.

At Hayes Lorenzen Lawyers we encourage readers of this blog to contact their state legislators and  voice their opposition to House Study Bill 36 and Senate Study Bill 1054, which would impose caps on non-economic damages and require a “certificate of merit” system in medical malpractices cases in Iowa.

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